How Many Jobs Should I Apply To?


September 10, 2022

How Many Jobs Should I Apply To?

“How many jobs should I submit my resume to?” is one of the most frequently asked questions by job seekers. In order to find a position of your dream, you want to do what it takes, but you are unsure if you are doing enough!

This article will assist you in determining how many job applications you should be submitting each day (or week) so that you can establish an effective pace that does not overwhelm you. The purpose of this article is to discuss how many jobs you should apply for each day, depending on your personal situation.

This article is structured in this order:

  • First of all, you will learn the correct application procedure. This sets a baseline for number of job application you should be sending.
  • Then, you will get to know how to apply to jobs faster
  • Afterward, you will learn why sending more applications is advantageous
  • Con side of sending more applications
  • A baseline for number of job applications if you are currently employed
  • A baseline for number of job applications if you are unemployed
  • A baseline for number of job applications if you are fresh graduate
  • Summary

Previously as I highlighted how to get your resume noticed by employers, this is now the time to discuss about how many job applications you should be sending each day or each week based on your unique scenario.

Application Tips

Here are a few tips to make the most of your time and ensure that your job search is successful. The reason for limiting how many jobs you should apply to per day will become apparent once you understand how to approach this process. 

Focus On Quality Over Quantity In Your Job Applications

The quality of your applications is more important than the quantity, regardless of your background, current work status, or level of experience. You will likely achieve better results by submitting 10 strategic, tailored applications rather than 20 rushed, untailored ones.

According to research by bureau of labor statistics, 11 to 20 job applications is an optimum threshold that yields around 30% success rate. Going below or above this threshold always decreases the success chances. 

The employer will be looking for specific details on your resume to match the job description, whether it be scanned by an applicant tracking system (ATS) or a hiring manager. It can make a significant difference whether you are invited to an interview if you take the time to tailor your resume carefully for each position.

Research Your Topic

Make sure you take the time to research both the position and the industry. No matter how long you have been in the industry, there is always something new to learn. Research what companies are looking for and how much the average salary is for the position you are applying for. It may become apparent during your research that the organization does not align with your values or career goals. It will save you a great deal of time if you find that out now.

You may be able to use what you learned during your research to impress at the interview if the position seems like a perfect fit.

Save Your Answers To Common Questions

Your job applications may start to exhibit a similar pattern of supplemental questions. Depending on your work experience, you may also be able to reuse and tweak certain long-form answers between applications. Organize this information into an easily accessible Word document or Note on your computer or cloud-based platform, such as NextJobPro, to save yourself time. 

Take Advantage Of Your Network

Finally, leverage your network. No matter where you live or how big your industry is, getting information from people you know goes a long way and can reduce the number of jobs you must apply for. About 80% of the jobs are not advertised on any platform, rather employments are done on referral network basis. Take this aspect of job search very serious.

The application process can be significantly sped up by contacting colleagues and professional acquaintances. Alternatively, someone may refer you directly to the hiring manager, send over your contact information, or provide you with the opportunity to contact them directly.

Direct connections make your name stand out automatically. If you're lucky, you might be invited for an interview. Although they may continue with their broader search for applicants, the networking you do will likely place your application near the top of their list.

3 Tips To Apply To Jobs Faster

You already know that tailoring a resume and applying for a position isn't the most exciting activity. You can streamline your job submission process without sacrificing quality by following these tips.

Investigate The Industry

Your resume, cover letter, and application will be more effective if you have a thorough understanding of your industry standards and trends, as well as the style and culture of specific companies you would like to work for. You should remain current even before you begin actively searching for a job in order to minimize stress and maximize your chances of success.

Prepare A Few Resume Templates For Common Job Roles

Many industries have slight differences in role titles, tasks, and responsibilities. Prepare a few different base resume templates that fit your range of employment opportunities. As an example:

An organization may refer to a position as: Content Specialist

Alternatively, a very similar role might be referred to as: Content Producer

Another might refer to the role as a content strategist.

It is possible that you may be qualified to apply for all three positions. In order to save time when tailoring your resume, it is beneficial to have a solid foundational resume for each variation.

Make Your Resume Keyword Rich

We are living in 21st century and almost all the fortune 500 companies have deployed ATS software in their recruitment departments. If your resume does not have keywords that this software is looking for, you are losing on opportunities. But finding these keyword for every tailored job application is tough. The good news is that you can use NextJobPro ATS Scan tool that suggests you the keywords and skills that you must include in your resume. Incorporating these keywords and skills guarantees you move to the next step quicker.

Pros Of Submitting Many Applications

There are several benefits to submitting several applications each day, including:

Increase Your Chances Of Success

The more jobs you apply for, the greater your chances of receiving responses and interviews.

Good Practice

The best practice is to customize your resume and cover letter for each new application you submit. As you submit more applications, you will gain more experience in refining these documents. Therefore, you may have developed a strong resume and cover letter that you can modify quickly when applying for jobs.

Job Placement Right Away

You are more likely to find job openings within hours or days after they are posted if you commit time each day to submitting applications. By doing so, you will be able to submit your application early and avoid missing a job opportunity with a short application deadline.

Industry Knowledge

The more applications you submit, the more familiar you become with the industry's terminology, job duties, and requirements. If you pay close attention to job postings and the skills or qualifications they require, you may begin to notice similarities. This knowledge will assist you in strengthening your abilities and your resume. You can also gain invaluable information about the industry and competitors by submitting many applications, which can be useful during the interview process.

With every job you apply for, you should be able to improve your interviewing skills, resume, cover letter, and the efficiency of the application process.

Cons Of Submitting Many Applications

If you intend to apply for a job, ensure that you spend your time and effort wisely. There are several potential downsides to submitting many job applications each day, including:


In order to avoid getting fatigued and stressed, ensure that your job search is balanced with your other hobbies and responsibilities. 

Reduced Quality

It is possible that you are not giving each application the attention and detail it requires if your goal is to submit a certain number of applications each day. Don't apply for jobs that you are not qualified for. Instead of sending a generic resume with each application, focus on making your resume stand out to the hiring manager.

Duplicate Applications For The Same Job

The majority of hiring managers post job openings on multiple websites and job boards. You may find the same postings if you search similar sites every day. Ensure that you have not already submitted your resume and cover letter to the company through another channel. You may be perceived as lacking attention to detail by the hiring manager.

Multiple Applications With The Same Company

Be careful not to apply for more than one position at the same company when submitting your application. You may be perceived as desperate rather than committed by hiring managers who notice that you have applied for multiple jobs at their organization. Regardless of whether the company is your dream employer, you should only apply for one position - the one for which you are most qualified and most likely to be hired.

Generally, when applying for many jobs, pay attention to all the details, and prioritize quality over quantity.


When you are applying for a large number of jobs, it can be easy to lose track of submissions, company names, and contacts. In a desperate attempt to find a job, you might submit multiple applications.  

Takes Considerable Amount Of Time

Applying to a large number of jobs can be a time-consuming process. As a result, getting a job can become a full-time job itself, which is not a viable option for most job seekers.

How Many Jobs Should You Apply To If You’re Currently Employed?

When you are still working in your present position, it can be difficult to meet the 10-15 application threshold. Despite the fact that you will have a lower chance of finding a new job quickly if you submit fewer applications, you are not out of hope. It is simply a matter of being prepared for your search to take a little longer.

You should avoid applying for new jobs during the business day in order to minimize stress and the possibility of losing your current position. Additionally, you should avoid being overly obvious on public channels about your search for a new position. Also, you may find it beneficial to schedule your application time for the weekend when your attention is less divided. 

How Many Jobs Should You Apply To If You’re Unemployed?

As an unemployed individual, you should have the time to apply for jobs. Put your employment search on the front burner and spend 30 to 40 hours a week searching for and applying for positions. In order to stay organized, create a spreadsheet listing the jobs you have applied for as well as your status in the application process.

Keep yourself motivated during your job search by setting a daily schedule. You may encounter the following situations during the course of your day:

8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.: Check job boards and company websites to see what jobs have been posted so far today. Create a list of the positions for which you are qualified, modify your resume and cover letter, and submit an application.

Take a lunch break between 12 and 2 p.m.

2 p.m.-3 p.m.: Networking meetings

Between 3 and 5 p.m.: Check your email for responses, update your spreadsheet, and search again through job postings for new openings. It is possible to stay motivated by changing your surroundings from time to time. You may apply for a job one day in a coffee shop and another day in a library. You should give yourself some time off during the evenings when new job postings are being made.

How Many Jobs Should You Apply To If You’re college graduate?

When you are in your last semester of college, devote 10 to 20 hours a week to finding a job after graduation that will allow you to work full time. Visit campus job fairs, research companies you wish to work for, and apply for entry-level positions. Find out more about your school's career services office and find assistance with your resume and cover letter.

In the months leading up to graduation, you should apply for a greater number of jobs. It is important to balance your job application process with schoolwork, study, part-time or volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. 

In Summary

Finding a job is no easy task. In order to be successful, it requires a structured approach, one that has a proven track record of success. In order to find a job, there are a number of factors at play. However, the most decisive factor is the number of applications you submit every day or every week. Do not accept the words of every so-called expert without conducting your own research. It is recommended to submit 11 to 20 applications a day, according to US Labor Statistics. You can, however, adjust this number according to your needs.