What to Ask When It's Your Turn: Must-Ask Questions in an Interview


December 21, 2023

What to Ask When It's Your Turn: Must-Ask Questions in an Interview

You've landed an interview for a job you're excited about – that's awesome! But let me tell you something important: acing an interview isn't just about giving great answers to the interviewer's questions. Nope, it's also about asking some intelligent questions yourself.

You see, interviews are not a one-way street where only the company gets to grill you. It's your chance, too, to dig deep and find out if this is where you want to spend a good chunk of your day (and life!). Asking thoughtful questions can show that you're seriously considering how well you'd fit in with the team and how much value you could add.

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So, what should these questions be? Well, stick around because we'll dive into some must-ask questions to help paint a clearer picture of what working at this company might look like for YOU. Let's ensure this opportunity is as perfect for them as it should be for you!

1. Understanding the Role

When sitting across from your interviewer, getting the lowdown on what you'll be doing daily is super important. You see, sometimes job descriptions can be as clear as mud. They throw in all these fancy words and jargon but don't always tell you what's up.

Here's a pro tip: ask them to paint a picture for you. Like this one right here:

Example question: "Can you walk me through a typical day for this position?"

Boom! Like that, they start spilling the beans about what life would look like if you snagged the gig. It's not just about being nosy; it's bright! You want to know if your skills will light up like fireworks or if it'll be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

And hey, while we're chatting about understanding the role, let's not forget those little extras that might come with the job – like travel or who you'd report to. Knowing who your boss will be and how often you must pack an overnight bag.

Now remember, asking questions shows them that you mean business – you're serious about landing this job and making waves in their pond. Plus, it helps ensure there won't be any nasty surprises after signing the dotted line.

2. Company Culture and Team Dynamics

Let's dive into something super important: company culture and team dynamics. You know, the vibe of where you might spend much of your time.

Why It Matters

Understanding the company culture is like getting a sneak peek at what it's like to work there. It's not just about whether you can do the job; it's also about whether you'll fit in with the team and enjoy coming to work every day.

The Right Questions

So, what should you ask? Try this one for size: "How would you describe the company culture here?" This question is golden because it gets to the heart of what makes this place tick. Is it all suits and handshakes or sneakers and high-fives?

But wait, there's more! Don't forget about how teams work together. Ask, "Can you tell me how teams typically collaborate here?" This gives insight into whether they're all for teamwork or if it's more of a solo gig.

Listen Up!

When they answer these questions, listen to what they say and how they say it. Are their eyes lighting up when discussing team outings or volunteer days? That enthusiasm speaks volumes!

And remember, asking these questions shows that you're thinking long-term – that's always impressive to interviewers who want someone committed.

All right then! By now, we've covered why knowing the ins and outs of company culture is critical for finding your happy workplace home.

Related: Learn How to Research a Company before Interview

3. Growth Opportunities

Now, let's talk about something super important: growth opportunities. We all want to climb that ladder and make significant career strides. So, when sitting in the interview room, it's wise to get the scoop on how you can grow within the company.

Here's an example question that does just that: "What opportunities for advancement might exist for someone in this role?" This isn't just any old question; it shows you're thinking ahead and are serious about staying long-term. Plus, it gives your interviewer a chance to brag about the company's development programs or career paths they offer.

By asking this, you'll learn if they invest in their people with training or mentorship programs. And hey, maybe they even have leadership courses or special projects for go-getters like yourself! It's not only about climbing up but also growing as a pro.

Remember, though – don't be shy here! It's okay to ask directly about promotions or what steps others have taken to advance. After all, knowing there's a clear path forward could decide whether this gig is proper for you.

4. Performance Evaluation

Let's discuss something important: how you'll be judged on the job. You want to make sure your hard work gets noticed, right? So, it's wise to ask about performance evaluations during your interview.

Why It Matters

Understanding how a company measures success tells you what they value most. And guess what? This can help you hit the ground running if you get the job. Knowing your goals means you can start impressing your new boss from day one.

Crafting Your Question

When it's time to chat about this, keep it simple and straight up:

"Can I ask how success is measured in this position?"

This question is like opening a treasure chest – it gives you insights into what skills and achievements are pure gold at this company.

By asking this, you show not only that you're all about doing a great job but also that you're thinking ahead. You're showing them that their goals will be your goals, too.

And here's another cool thing: Their answer might give clues on whether there's room for creativity or if they stick strictly to the playbook. Knowing this helps decide if the gig fits with how *you* shine best at work.

So go ahead and pop that question! It shows them that quality matters to you – and hey, who doesn't love someone who cares about doing excellent work?

5. Management Style and Expectations

Now, let's shift gears a bit. It's essential to figure out if you'll click with your potential new boss, right? So, when it's your turn to ask questions in an interview, don't forget to dive into the management style and expectations.

Understanding Your Potential Boss

You want to know what kind of environment you're stepping into. Is it hands-off or micromanaged? Do they encourage creativity, or is it all about sticking to the script? Here's how I would get that info:

Example Question: "Could you describe your management style?"

This question is like a golden key – it can unlock so much about your day-to-day life at work. If their answer makes you nod, thinking, "Yeah, I can thrive in that setting," then excellent! But if red flags pop up for you – like maybe they say, "I'm very hands-on," but you hate being micromanaged – that could be a sign this isn't the perfect match.

Aligning With Expectations

Next up on our chat list is expectations. You've got skills and goals; does this job let you use them?

Example Question: "What are the most important qualities someone needs to succeed in this role?"

Asking this tells them two things: one, that you're serious about doing well (who doesn't love that?), and two, it gives them a chance to spell precisely what they're looking for if they start listing qualities that sound like yours – bingo! That's music to your ears!

Remember, though, while these questions help get the scoop on who'll be calling the shots and what they'll expect from you – they also show off how thoughtful and prepared YOU are as a candidate. And trust me, making a good impression goes both ways!

6. Company Vision and Future Plans

Now, let's shift gears a bit. It's not just about the job you're applying for today; it's also about where this company is heading tomorrow. Understanding the company's vision and plans is super important. Why? Because you want to know if exciting projects are on the horizon that get your heart pumping or if the company is stable enough for long-term security.

So here comes a fundamental question: "Where do you see the company in five years?" This isn't just any question – it shows you're thinking ahead like they are. You're showing them you're interested in how their dreams align with your career path.

When they answer, listen closely. Are they talking about expansion? New products? Maybe even going global? Their response can give you a sneak peek into potential opportunities for professional growth and whether these prospects excite you.

Remember, when discussing visions and plans, we ask: Is this place going somewhere unique, and can I be part of that journey? If their answer lights up your eyes – that's a good sign!

7. Work-Life Balance

Now, let's shift gears a bit. It's not just about the job itself; it's also about how this job will fit into your life as a whole. That's why work-life balance is such an important topic to touch on during your interview.

You see, asking about work-life balance isn't just for you – it shows the interviewer that you value your well-being and understand the importance of performing at your best both in and out of work. This question can give you insight into what the company expects from its employees after hours and whether those expectations align with what you're looking for.

So, here's a great question: "What policies does your company have regarding work-life balance?" This straightforward query discusses flexible working hours, remote working possibilities, vacation time, and any wellness initiatives they might offer.

By bringing up this topic, you're doing more than gathering information; you're also subtly letting them know that while you are committed to contributing positively to their team, maintaining a healthy personal life is essential for sustaining productivity and creativity in the long run. Their response can be very telling – how they answer may reveal if they truly practice what they preach regarding supporting their employees' outside-of-work needs.

8. Next Steps After the Interview

Now, let's shift gears a bit. You've asked about the role, the team, and where the company is headed. Great job! But something else is super important – what happens after you leave this room? It's like waiting for the next episode of your favourite show; you have to know what comes next.

So, here's a pro tip: always ask about the follow-up process. This shows that you're eager and ready to move forward. Plus, it gives you a timeline so you do not wonder when to expect an answer.

Here's how I might ask without sounding too pushy: "Can you tell me what the next steps are after today's interview?" It's as simple as that!

This question does two things well – it helps manage your expectations and keeps them from forgetting about you once you walk out that door. Because let's face it, we all want to be remembered for being proactive and interested in pursuing opportunities.

Remembering to ask this can help ease those post-interview jitters where every phone notification has you jumping faster than popcorn on a stove! So please don't skip it; make sure it's on your list of questions before saying goodbye.

Related: Top 5 After-Interview Thank You Email Templates

In Summary

When preparing for an interview, it's not just about answering their questions – it's also about asking the right ones. Here's a breakdown of essential inquiries to ensure this job is a perfect fit for you:

1. Understanding the Role: Ask about a typical day in the position to truly visualise yourself there. Also, explore extras like travel and reporting structures to avoid surprises later.

2. Company Culture and Team Dynamics: Dive into the company's vibe. Ask about the culture and how teams collaborate. Listen keenly to their answers to gauge enthusiasm and fit.

3. Growth Opportunities: Inquire about advancement possibilities and available development programs. This shows your interest in a long-term commitment and personal growth.

4. Performance Evaluation: Understand how success is measured in the role. This aligns your goals with the company's and reveals room for creativity or adherence to set norms.

5. Management Style and Expectations: Discover the management style and the essential qualities required for success. Assess if these align with your preferences and strengths.

6. Company Vision and Future Plans: Explore where the company sees itself in the future. This gives insights into potential growth and whether their plans align with your career aspirations.

7. Work-Life Balance: Ask about policies regarding work-life balance to ensure your well-being aligns with the company's expectations.

8. Next Steps After the Interview: Always inquire about the follow-up process to show eagerness and get a clear timeline for the next episode in this potential journey.

Remember, asking these questions isn't just about gathering information; it's about showcasing your genuine interest, thoughtful preparation, and ensuring a mutual fit between you and the company.

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