Signs It’s Time To Find A New Job


May 06, 2023

Signs It’s Time To Find A New Job

In a previous article, we discussed what to do when you cannot find a new job. However, let's take a step back and assess whether you genuinely need to search for a new job.

Everyone has days when they’d rather stay home than go to work. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhappy with your job or should start searching for another. However, there are some significant signs and red flags that suggest it might be time to put in your notice and look for something new. 

Here are a few signals that it’s time to start navigating the steps leading to a new, more satisfactory job. 

Signs You Need A New Job

1. You Dread Going Back Tomorrow

There will be days when you just don’t feel like going to work. You may dread work because you don’t mesh with fellow employees, feel underappreciated, or work in a toxic environment. When you start to dread the next day at work before you go to bed at night, it’s likely time to start searching for something else.

2. Your Promotion Is Well Overdue

Being undervalued and underpaid are significant reasons to look for a new job. Before quitting, we suggest having a conversation with your manager or boss about a raise. Explain why you believe you’re worth more and give them time to consider. Being continuously denied a raise despite loyalty and increased responsibilities means it’s probably time to look for a job with more advancement opportunities.

3. You Constantly Feel Burned Out

Employee burnout is a significant issue in the workforce today. According to a 2021 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), almost three in every five employees reported negative physical and mental impacts of stress in the workplace. These impacts include a lack of motivation, emotional exhaustion, reduced cognitive awareness, physical fatigue and more. A job that continuously negatively affects your physical and mental health is likely one you should leave behind. 

 4. You Work In A Toxic Environment

You spend a large portion of your day in your work environment. A toxic atmosphere can harm your mental and physical health and disrupt your career growth. If you feel that you’re bullied, your opinion isn’t valued and your mental health is suffering while at work, it’s probably time to start seeking other options. 

5. You’re Asked To Compromise Your Ethics

A clear sign that it’s time to quit your job is if your boss asks you to do something unethical or even illegal. Protecting yourself is far more important than protecting your job or your employer. 

6. You Feel Underappreciated

Every employee should feel valued at work. Unfortunately, a 2023 report published by Workhuman stated that one in 10 employees don’t feel valued at all, and one in two feel “somewhat valued.” Nearly 50% of women stated they feel undervalued in the workplace. Performing excellent work and not being appreciated means you may want to look for other job opportunities. 

7. Flexibility Is Not An Option

Maintaining a work-life balance is essential for your mental and physical health. That means your employer will need to allow some flexibility. A workplace that doesn’t allow you to manage life’s unpredictability, kids and other obligations may not be looking out for your best interest. 

Being afraid to ask a manager or boss for time off when emergencies strike is a sign that you may want to search for a more flexible and understanding company.

8. The Company Is Struggling To Survive

Signs of a company’s failure often come on slowly. You may notice your workload decreasing, accounts struggling to make payments and employees around you being let go. These are good indications that the company is unstable and may be making major layoffs or shutting down soon. Get a jumpstart on finding a new job by starting your search when you notice several of the above signs.

9. There Are No More Opportunities For Advancement

Being able to advance in a workplace inspires many employees to return day after day. Opportunities to learn new skills, reach higher positions and acquire more pay encourage you to grow and strive toward your full potential.

You may reach a point where you feel like you’ve outgrown your position and there are no more advancements ahead. First, we suggest speaking with your boss about taking on new responsibilities, additional training or opportunities, especially if you enjoy working for the company. If the company doesn’t have anything to offer, it’s a good time to start looking for a job where you can reach your full potential. 

10. You Feel Excited About A Job Or Career Change

Passion is essential to the work-life balance, and sometimes, a job or career just doesn’t excite you anymore. If your gut instinct tells you you’ll be happier or more fulfilled in a new job or career, you may want to go for it. At the very least, job searches and interviews can help you determine if you’re ready to make a change.  

The Importance Of Leaving At The Right Time 

You won’t always be able to leave your job at the right time. Layoffs and shutdowns can happen out of nowhere. However, paying attention to the signs, listening to your gut and remaining aware of how your job affects your physical and mental health can help you make an educated decision. Once you decide to leave, don’t feel guilty about making the choice to better your career and your life.

Find The Perfect Fit

Locating a new position that fits your experience, pay requirements and desires can be intimidating and time-consuming. Fortunately, online tools and resources can help you find a new, more fulfilling position quickly. The goal is to get you started in your new and improved job or career on a timeline that fits your needs.

How To Find The Perfect Fit

In order to find a satisfying job quickly, it's essential to tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Make your resume ATS friendly, apply more. You should know exactly how many jobs you should apply depending upon your situation.

In addition, utilize various job search platforms and networking opportunities to broaden your options and apply to positions that match your qualifications. Remember to stay positive and persistent throughout the job search process, and prepare for interviews by researching the company and practicing common interview questions to increase the chances of landing a job offer.

In Conclusion

If you're experiencing any of the signs you need a new job, it's important to take action and assess your current employment situation. Whether it's feeling undervalued, burned out, or unchallenged, recognizing these indicators can help you make informed decisions about your career path. Remember, a fulfilling and rewarding job is key to a happy and successful life. So, don't be afraid to take the leap and pursue new opportunities that align with your values, interests, and skills. By prioritizing your career satisfaction, you can achieve your goals and reach your full potential in your professional life.