11 Tips To Ace Your Online Video Job Interview


March 15, 2024

11 Tips To Ace Your Online Video Job Interview

The job interview is an essential step in the hiring process. It's designed to give both you and the employer a chance to assess if there is a good match between your skills, experience, and personality with what they are looking for. Part of that assessment comes through answering questions, usually face-to-face, but increasingly online via video chat or Skype.

Preparing for an Online Job Interview

To ace your online job interview, it's important to prepare ahead of time. Below are notable tips to help you prepare:

Do your research

Before your online interview, take the time to learn as much as you can about the company and the position you're applying for. This will help you come up with significant questions to ask during the interview.

Check your technology

Before you attend the interview, make sure that your internet connection is working and perform a microphone and webcam test. You don't want technical difficulties during the interview itself.

Practice makes perfect

If you've never done a video interview before, practice beforehand. For example, try recording yourself answering common interview questions so you can get comfortable with the format.

Dress for success

Like in a traditional job interview, it's essential to dress appropriately for an online interview. Make sure your clothes are neat and professional - you don't want your appearance to take away from your answers.

Make sure your surroundings are professional

Choose a quiet, well-lit spot in your home for the interview. Ensure there is no background noise and that you won't be interrupted during the call.

Tips During an Online Video Job Interview

Certain best practices will help you ace your online video job interview. Below are some tips on how to prepare for and execute your online video job interview like a pro.

1. Make eye contact with the camera

When applying for a job, it's vital to make an outstanding first impression. One way to do that is by making eye contact with the camera during your video interview. You'll seem engaged and interested in the conversation by looking directly into the camera. And that will help you stand out from the competition. So be certain to make eye contact with the camera and give yourself the best chance of getting the job.

2. Sit up straight and don't slouch

Believe it or not, your posture can say a lot about you and bad posture can give the wrong impression. So sit up straight, put your shoulders back! It'll make you look more confident and professional.

3. Smile

While you may not be able to control everything about how you look or sound, one thing you can always control is your smile. A warm, genuine smile conveys confidence, charisma, and friendliness which are all important in any profession.

4. Speak clearly and slowly

When speaking with a potential employer or recruiter, it's important to communicate clearly and slowly. Many people talk too quickly when they're nervous, which can be difficult for the listener to understand. Breathe deeply and try to relax before you start talking. Remember, the more clearly you communicate your skills and experience, the better your chances of getting the job.

5. Take your time before answering each question

It's no secret that job interviews can be nerve-wracking. While it's important to give each query your full attention, you don't want to rush through your responses. So before you answer any question, please take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and make sure you're providing the interviewer with the information they need. By taking a moment to compose yourself before answering each question, you'll come across as polished and professional - something hiring managers love to see. So relax, take your time and show the interviewer what you're capable of.

6. Be honest

Did you know that honesty is one of the most important traits employers look for in job candidates? Studies show that employers rank honesty as the third most important trait, after intelligence and conscientiousness. This shouldn't come as a surprise, though – after all, an employer wants to be sure that they can trust their employees to act with integrity and honesty in their dealings with customers and clients.

7. Don't be frightened to show your personality

While you want to come across as professional, it's also important to show your personality during an interview. After all, employers are looking for people who will be a good fit for their company culture. Therefore, don't be afraid to let your true personality shine through. Talk about your hobbies or interests and let the interviewer know what makes you unique. This is your opportunity to let the employer know that you're not just a great job candidate but also a great human being.

8. Ask questions

One of the excellent ways to stand out from the competition is to ask questions during your interview. This shows that you're engaged in the conversation and genuinely interested in the role. And when you ask questions, be sure to listen carefully to the answers. This will help you better understand the job and allows you to showcase your critical thinking skills.

9. Be prepared for technical difficulties

With video interviews, there's always a chance something could go wrong. Maybe your internet connection will drop or your computer will freeze. In any case, it's important to be prepared for technical difficulties. If something does happen, stay calm and try to troubleshoot the problem. This will show the interviewer that you're resourceful and can handle difficult situations with grace.

10. Be positive

No matter how the interview is going, it's essential to remain positive. If you start to feel discouraged, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you're doing your best. You are more likely to be seen as a talented and capable candidate if you show optimism during your interview.

11. End the interview with a thank you

When the interview is over, thank the interviewer for their time. This is a small but meaningful gesture that will leave a lasting impression. Plus, it's always nice to express your appreciation for someone who's helped you out – even if they didn't ultimately hire you for the job.

In Summary

Keeping up with the competition, most especially in the job market, can be challenging. However, you can show potential employers that you are serious about the position and have what it takes to succeed with a well-prepared video interview. We hope these tips have helped you feel more prepared for your upcoming video interview. Good luck!