How To Update Your Resume For Today’s Job Market


October 02, 2022

How To Update Your Resume For Today’s Job Market

In my previous article, I explained all the secrets to making your resume ATS friendly. Now this is the time to learn how to update your resume with accurate and valuable information that gains attention of actual human reviewer. 

Keep in mind, your resume is evaluated at two different levels, the ATS and the human reviewer. ATS comes first that screens more than 75% of the applications, and shortlists only less than 25%. If you have incorporated the secrets that I explained in the previous article, you are most likely in the pool of candidate whose resume will get a place at recruiter’s table. Your resume worked well with ATS after you did the tweaking as stated in the last article. This article will explain to you what you should to successfully pass this phase and get an interview invite.

Before we dive deeper, recall when was the last time you updated your resume? Most people do not update this document until they switch jobs or apply for new positions. There is no doubt that a complete overhaul sounds daunting and time consuming. It is fortunately possible to make a few small modifications to your resume adjustments that will only take a few minutes to complete that can have a surprising impact on your job search success.

Here are some suggestions for updating your resume in a small, yet effective, manner.

Update Contact Information

Despite the fact that this may seem like an obvious step, many candidates forget to take it. As a result, they submit their old resumes without realizing that the contact information in their resume should be updated. A simple mistake like this may prevent you from obtaining a desirable position.

It is important to update your contact details in your resume if you have recently moved to a new city, changed addresses, or updated your professional profiles.

As I said earlier the ATS compliant resume are important to get an interview invite. Majority of the ATS software cannot read information in header and footer. This is why any information in these places will most likely be lost. What you can do is: put your name, address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn or Twitter handles at the top of your resume – not in the header.

Revise Summary

It is important to state who you are, what you do, and what you seek in your summary statement at the beginning of your document. However, the goals you set and the greatest accomplishments you achieved change drastically from year to year. Your 2018 summary is no longer an accurate representation of who you are today. This is why update it right away.

Depending on how long since your last job search was, you may wish to make some small changes. However, if your resumes dates back to more than 10 years, I recommend you start fresh again. Over the years, you have grown professionally, so your resume should reflect this growth.

Fix the Layout

In the same way that furniture and fashion change with the times, resume styles do as well. It is time to change your decor, so to speak, and experiment with new fonts and headings that will visually update your document for the 21st century.

If you have used the same resume type since 2015, you may want to consider making a change. You can enhance the appearance of your resume by modifying its formatting and layout.

You can upgrade your resume's formatting in five simple ways:

1. Make Changes To Your Resume Format

In reverse chronological format, you should present your work history in chronological order, beginning with your most recent experience and ending with your oldest. For most job seekers, this format is the most appropriate since it is the format used by hiring managers.

It is recommended, however, that you use the following if you are changing careers or have a gap in your resume:

  • Rather than highlighting your experience, a functional resume emphasizes your skills
  • It is advisable to use a combination resume (which demonstrates a mix of your skills and employment history)

2. Make Sure The Font And Size Of Your Resume Are Appropriate

Resumes with small, large, or unprofessional fonts will not be taken into consideration by hiring managers. Therefore, you should choose a standard resume font such as Arial, Georgia, Tahoma, Helvetica, Calibri, Gill Sans, Times New Roman, Veranda.
If you want your words to appear organized and professional, keep the font size between 10 and 12 points.

3. Margins

In addition, a proper resume margin indicates to employers that you have paid attention to the formatting of your resume so that they will be able to read the rest of it more easily. Even though 1" margins are the preferred, you may adjust them within the range of 1/2" to 1" if you require more space.

4. Maintain A Consistent Style

A bolded job title must be followed by a bolded set of titles. It is important to ensure that all your small formatting choices are consistent throughout the document.

5. Make Sure There’s Enough White Space

If you have sacrificed white space on your resume in order to include everything, you may have reduced the space between lines, narrowed the margins, or reduced the font size. It is recommended that you print your resume out and examine it carefully to ensure that these adjustments have not made it difficult to read and scan. 

Provide An Update On Your Work History

There are some revisions you need to make to your work history section, particularly at the top and at the bottom. Ensure that you include any recent positions that are not included in your document. It is important to include your relevant accomplishments and special contributions. If you are currently employed or have just completed your most recent job, please add new skills and accomplishments. 

Develop New Skills (And Eliminate Old Ones)

Do you have any experience in the classroom? Do you have a mastery of a new program? Have you started giving presentations on a regular basis? Ensure that your resume skill section contains all of your professional skills, both soft and hard. Consider removing some outdated skills at the same time. It is likely that you can delete the listing of proficiency with Notes if you still have it.

Additionally, some very basic skills (such as Microsoft Office) can usually be eliminated as well, since they are assumed for most office positions.

In the course of your last job search, you have acquired new skills. You should be proud of yourself! As a result, you should begin pitching these skills to your potential employers and letting go of those skills that are no longer relevant to your career goals. To begin with, review all the skills listed on your resume. In the next step, try to recall when you last used each skill. You should cut it from your list if you are unable to recall the last time you used it. You should reread your list. Make a list of the jobs you are interested in. Remove skills from your list that are not relevant to the position you desire. Now it’s time to add your most recently acquired skills. You should have plenty of room now!

Within every subsection, keep your resume tight, clear, and in line with your current goals and plans. You’re evolving, and your resume should do the same. 

Reduce Deadwood By Being Concise

It is common for resumes to contain too much information. If you are unsure whether something is relevant, delete it. Every item should serve a specific purpose to help sell you.

Employers do not wish to read long paragraphs and prefer to read bullet points instead. It is recommended that you keep your resume to under two pages.

The following information is also not appropriate for inclusion on your resume: 

  • Do not include your age, ethnicity, marital status, or sexual orientation.
  • It is important to note that employers are not interested in hobbies and interests unless they are relevant to the position. 
  • It goes without saying that references are available upon request. Wait for the employer to ask for them.

Concentrate On Recent Experience

Employers are generally only interested in the most recent 10-15 years of your professional history, although it is occasionally necessary to include something earlier. Job positions from before that time should not be included in an updated resume. Additionally, it is recommended that you include only the most relevant or recent qualifications.

Review Your Resume's Top Half

A resume is a concise document (often, just a single page in length). That means every bullet point and the word should be purposeful, supporting your candidacy. Still, it’s human nature for people to pay more attention to the beginning of the document than the end.

To that end, make sure the top portion of your resume reflects your best, most relevant experience. This may mean, in some cases, moving sections around. Once you’ve had several jobs, for instance, your education probably belongs at the bottom of the page, not the top. If your most recent position doesn’t display your most noteworthy skills and accomplishments, you may want to transition from a chronological to a functional resume.

Finally, if you lead with a summary, profile resume, or objective at the top of your resume, make sure that the copy sounds current, doesn't have dull or cliched phrases, and is a good match for your industry and the job you'd like to have.

Check Your Work Again

Typos, grammar errors, and other minor mistakes can be more easily identified after a period of time has passed. Make sure you proofread your resume again. It is especially important to do this if you have just made a number of changes. Follow a proofreading checklist and read it aloud. Alternatively, you may request the assistance of a friend or family member.

In Summary

It is equally important to update your resume as it is to send it out as part of your application. You won't get the job if you don't apply. The same goes for submitting a resume that contains errors. As you progress in your professional career, keep updating your resume.

Think of it as a live document that needs to be updated whenever there is something that needs to be reflected in it. In this article, you learned how to update your resume quickly and more efficiently. You also learned the tips and tricks required for these changes. With these simple but effective tips, you're already well on your way to updating your resume.